Inside Mac Games Volume 4 #5 & #6
IMG 37 MayJune 1996.iso
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Tune in to this week's issue to find out about new StyleWriters
and a new Newton. We also have news about Netscape 2.01, a
public beta of Now Utilities 6.0, and reports of a problem with
PowerBooks, RAM Doubler, and System 7.5.3. The issue continues
with a review of the first Nisus Writer book, an analysis of the
importance of Apple's new Network Servers, and a look at out how
recipients of Apple's Cool Tools awards have put their prizes to
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I Am Joe's Book
Network Servers Rebuttal
Cool Tools - Where are They Now?
**StyleWriters and Ethernet** -- Last week, Apple announced the
Color StyleWriter 1500 and 2500, which offer color inkjet printing
at about $280 and $380, respectively. The new printers print in
black at three and five pages per minute (though they are
considerably slower with color), and the 2500 offers water-
resistant ink. Apple also announced the StyleWriter EtherTalk
Adapter, which enables users to connect a StyleWriter 2500, 2400,
2200, 1500, or 1200 to an EtherTalk network using either 10Base-T
or ThinNet. Apple expects the EtherTalk Adapter to be available in
early April for about $190. [GD]
**RAM Doubler, PowerBooks, and 7.5.3?** Connectix reports it's
investigating a problem using RAM Doubler 1.6.1 on PowerBooks.
Apparently, the machines may crash when they wake up if they're
running System 7.5.3. According to reports, installing Apple's
low-level debugger MacsBug prevents the problem from occurring.
**Netscape Posts Two Updates** -- Netscape has released version
2.01 of Netscape Navigator, which improves on 2.0 by offering
security enhancements, including a preference to disable
JavaScript. Since the release of Navigator 2.0, several possible
security issues have been uncovered, including the ability to
surreptitiously gather users' email addresses and other
information using JavaScript. One ironic side effect of disabling
JavaScript, however, is that Web sites relying heavily on it -
including Netscape's - may not load properly, whereas they may
load correctly in browsers with no JavaScript support whatsoever.
A full installer is available, and a patcher application is
available for users who purchased the full not-for-export version.
Netscape's beta release of a Java-enabled version of Navigator for
Power Macs also expired last week, prompting Netscape to re-post
the release with the expiration date set to 01-Jul-96. No other
changes are included in the release. [GD]
**Now Utilities 6.0 Public Beta** -- Not wanting to miss out on
the public beta craze that's now de rigeur among software
companies, Now Software has announced a (brief) public beta of Now
Utilities 6.0, which it plans to ship on 29-Mar-96. Now Utilities
6.0 updates Now Menus and Super Boomerang, and adds three new
components, including Now AutoType, which is supposed to
automatically generate macros for repetitively typed words and
phrases. Updates for current owners will be $29.95, with a special
"buy two, get three" upgrade special. The beta expires on 01-Apr-
96. To try the beta, follow the "Download the Demo" link at the
URL below. The beta is not available as we wrap up this issue;
however, it probably will be by the time you read this. [GD]
I Am Joe's Book
by Tonya Engst <tonya@tidbits.com>
The Nisus Way (ISBN 1-55828-455-9), a book written by Joe Kissell
<kissell@computergeeks.com>, doesn't have much of a plot, but it
does offer good writing and generally excellent explanations of
how normal people can make Nisus Writer lie down at their feet and
perform a variety of tricks. In this regard, though, Joe's book is
much like about thirty new computer books that came out in the
past year, and TidBITS doesn't review all the good computer books
that appear. So why mention this book?
Two reasons. First, consider this: Nisus Writer offers a perfectly
respectable set of word processing tools, but a common reason why
people choose Nisus Writer over other word processors is that
Nisus Writer offers text manipulation features that make other
word processors look like primitive stone tools. Nisus Writer's
non-contiguous selection, multiple clipboards, sophisticated
GREP-based (and optionally multi-file) searching, and two macro
languages make it possible for Nisus Writer users to chew up their
text and spit it out arranged in most any way imaginable. Sandra
Silcot, a savvy Nisus Writer user, took advantage of these
features to write a set of Nisus Writer macros for HTML, macros
that - for people who can handle a certain lack of spoon feeding
and who don't use many HTML extensions - make Nisus Writer the
HTML editor of choice.
Although Nisus Writer's manuals adequately explain the program's
word processing features, they trip all over themselves explaining
how to tame the powerful text manipulation tools. A few Internet
users have written online tutorials to overcome this problem, but
none of them much helped me, a reasonably together power user type
who has always feared to tread where scripts lie. (I'm still
recovering from my Advanced Placement Pascal class, which I took
ten years ago in high school.) Joe's book, the only book available
about Nisus Writer, overcomes the problem with the manuals, and
gives power users (and also people who are _not_ power users) the
keys they need to unlock the doors to Nisus Writer competence.
The second reason why The Nisus Way is important is that it comes
with a CD. The CD has the usual things that come on disks with
books: custom toolbars, custom macros, sample files, and other
sundry items. But, the book also includes a 90-day, fully
functional demo copy of Nisus Writer 4.1, and - if you like the
program after your 90 days are up - you can then purchase it for
$79 (Nisus Writer lists for $257.50). So, if you've ever toyed
with the idea of buying Nisus Writer, this would be the way to do
it. Also, note that though Nisus Writer 4.1 includes a slightly
improved version of Sandra's original HTML macros, the book also
comes with Joe's even more improved version of Sandra's macros;
book owners can use either version. (Nisus Writer users who are
not using Joe's macros should note that Sandra's macros are now at
version 2.5.2; you can upgrade using the URL earlier in this
Although Adam and I attended different high schools, we both spent
some enjoyable science and health classes watching educational
movies about a fictional "Joe" and his organs - "I am Joe's
Heart," "I am Joe's Kidney," and so on. We even named our
QuickTake Joe, as in "I am Joe's Eyes." Though I doubt Joe Kissell
is the Joe in the movies, those movies were so great that after
reading The Nisus Way, I've dubbed it "I am Joe's Book."
To find out more about the $29.95 book from MIS:Press (and see a
few sample chapters), check out the Web page Joe has made for it
Network Servers Rebuttal
by Chuck Goolsbee <goolsbee@tpdinc.com>
I have been intently watching (and participating) in Apple's
evolving server strategy, especially since I have managed
AppleShare (and other servers) for many years. Apple's efforts in
the server arena have been truly stunning. If you think back not
too many years ago, they were giving the market away to Novell by
selling such lame solutions as AppleShare 2.0, running on SE/30s.
If you had more than a handful of users or files of any size, this
strategy forced you to look elsewhere for a reasonable server
solution. A watershed event happened in the summer of 1992 at the
Mactivity Conference in Santa Clara. Product Managers from Apple's
Server group (then called Enterprise Services Division) met in a
large hall with a crowd of network managers and actually listened
and made an effort at dialog. One comment that stuck in my mind
was, "We could give you a really high-performance server, but it
would have to run on top of Unix. Would you be willing to buy and
use such a machine?" The resounding response from the crowd was
A year later at Mactivity '93, they unveiled the Apple Workgroup
Server 95 delivering a purpose-built file server solution.
["Purpose-built" means the machine was built specifically for its
intended purpose, which doesn't apply to using just any desktop
Mac as a server, for instance. -Adam] It was a wonderful machine
that finally made good use of A/UX, Apple's now-orphaned Unix
implementation. The AWS95 was (until the Network Server series)
the best Apple server for a large workgroup. At my last job, my
AWS95 comfortably served 60+ people using word processors and
spreadsheets, while simultaneously serving _huge_ image files to
five to ten scanner operators and image retouchers. It stood up to
Novell NetWare in performance, and soundly trounced it in total
cost as well as setup and administration.
Meanwhile, those of us in the pre-press industry had adopted a
server scheme for reducing print wait times and network traffic
associated with high-resolution images: OPI (Open Pre-press
Interface). Running an OPI server is extremely network, I/O, and
CPU intensive. The Mac OS, though we love it dearly, is just not
up to being an OPI server. Pre-press vendors such as Helios, IPT,
Hyphen, and so on, have all delivered OPI solutions built around
Sparc workstations from Sun Microsystems. We were not using these
Unix machines as anything more than robust AppleShare file and
(OPI) print servers. While a Sparc 2 or 10 makes a great
AppleShare server, it is not a purpose-built server box. Apple's
timing with the Network Server line could not be better, because a
lot of us are facing the costly option of replacing aging early-
nineties Suns and SGIs with yet more expensive pizza boxes. In
comes Apple with the Network Servers, which have the following
* The Network Servers are Apple-branded, elegantly engineered, and
* They run a first-tier, supported, industry standard Unix: AIX.
(In the process discarding Apple's nice but scorned-by-the-
industry and 68K-bound Unix: A/UX.)
* They run on a PowerPC 604 and are binary-compatible with just
about every application written for IBM's RS6000 line of
workstations. So you can run thousands of applications on the
Network Servers, right now. Nice bonus.
* They ship with your choice of two industry-leading OPI
* They are very price competitive with those Suns and SGIs; even
more so when you look at the enclosure and their strengths.
* Finally, they are remotely manageable from a Macintosh. Apple
has put AppleTalk in AIX's kernel, and more importantly Apple
events (program to program communications) and AppleScript
capability. Apple and third parties can enhance the server with
front-end management tools.
Best of all, Apple stepped outside the ivory tower and consulted
with hundreds of network managers to help build this box. They
brought this server in varying levels of development to our local
ANMA (Apple Network Manager's Association, a user group) chapter
meetings on three occasions over the past year and a half.
Considering the swelling cry from the Macintosh community about
involving us in Apple's future, it's ironic that the Server Group
has built a success story by doing just that since 1992.
Now, with all that background, I must address a few points in the
article about the Network Servers in TidBITS-317_. TidBITS
commented the Network Servers might damage the marketing message
of the Apple Internet Server Solution machines. I beg to differ.
The Network Server is not meant to compete with the current
Internet Server line. That's like saying GM's heavy truck division
cannibalizes Chevrolet Corvette sales!
[I still believe this is a danger. I'm not talking reality, I'm
talking marketing message. Apple has gone to great lengths to
convey ease of use and low cost, and wonderful though these
Network Servers may be, they're harder to use and more expensive
than the Internet servers. The problem lies in perception, if it
exists at all. -Adam]
If anything, the Network Servers complement the Apple Internet
Servers. I'll give one example: CGIs are generally the largest
drain on a Web server's performance. Here's a solution: run your
Web site on an Apple Internet Server and offload your big CGIs to
a Network Server. The Mac would pass the CGIs via AppleScript and
Apple events to the Network Server via an AppleTalk network
connection over a secure line (because you can stuff a number of
Ethernet cards into a Network Server and control what protocols
you bind to them). The Network Server has the horsepower to run a
CGI against a huge database (while simultaneously serving files to
the whole department), and return the completed query faster than
the Web server could have performed the same job, all without
distracting the Web server it from its primary task. With the
tools Apple has delivered with the Network Server, this sort of
setup is quite easy too.
TidBITS also commented the Network Servers won't be as easy to set
up or maintain, and may not be as secure either. I won't argue
about ease of setup, but I will say that my experience with
setting up the Network Server (I was a beta tester) was much
easier than my past experience setting up Suns running SunOS and
Solaris or a Compaq Proliant running Windows NT. The Mac-based
administrator tools, plus IBM's SMIT (Systems Management Interface
Tool), made setting up the Network Server a relative joy.
I will argue the maintenance and security issues, though. IBM's
JFS Filesystem is the most robust and stable filesystem I have
worked with, better than the Mac OS's HFS by far, better than
Sun's UFS, and better than Microsoft's NTFS in stability, crash-
resistance, and recovery. The enclosure itself is designed to be
easy to maintain, and based on my experience, it succeeds.
Security is a bit of a red herring. Any good network manager will
have a good packet filtering router between themselves and the
Internet and another one between their Internet servers and their
internal network. Add to that the Network Servers' robust network
configuration options, and it's relatively simple to build
protocol-based secure networks in and out of the box.
A bigger issue TidBITS raised is Apple's ability to sell and
support a Unix machine. I can't address this, other than to say
Apple should consider licensing the Network Servers to interested
parties, especially those that believe in it and stand behind it
100 percent. The pre-press world is hungry for a box like this,
and there are companies with strong ties to the pre-press world
that could market and sell this box.
In the end, the bottom line is performance, and the Network
Servers excel. Quite simply, they blow the ceiling on AppleShare
performance through the roof, period.
Cool Tools - Where are They Now?
by Adam C. Engst <ace@tidbits.com>
In his interview in TidBITS-305_, Peter Lewis suggested checking
in on the recipients of Apple's Cool Tools Awards from September
of 1994. It was such a good suggestion that I gathered up email
addresses for those folks and sent out some queries, and I
received responses from everyone other than the Cornell CU-SeeMe
folks. I wanted to know, first off, if the Power Macintosh 7100
that Apple had awarded to each recipient had been useful, and what
it was being used for now. I was also curious what the recipients
thought of Apple giving out awards recognizing innovative
developers. Back in TidBITS-247_ I wrote:
"Finally, as much as my cynical side wants to say that this is a
freak occurrence, I sincerely hope that the attention and positive
press these awards provide for Apple encourages the company to
continue in the same vein periodically. Apple's most powerful
allies are its loyal users and developers, and it can only help
Apple to give them a quantifiable nod every now and then."
Well over a year has passed since those original awards, and
there's been no word from Apple about repeating the program. I
think awarding a few programmers a Mac each year would be great
publicity for the Macintosh platform, and in the overall scope of
things it would be a cheap way of attracting talented programmers
to the Mac. Perhaps this article can raise the issue within Apple
one more time.
**John Norstad **of Disinfectant and NewsWatcher fame wrote:
My "cool tool" has been enormously helpful in my work. Previously,
I had the choice between a Mac Classic and a PowerBook 180 for
work at home. A 7100 was a big step up, and it has increased my
productivity enormously. I wrote a ton of NewsWatcher code and
other code on it over the last year.
My kids certainly enjoyed the upgrade from the old Classic too!
"Wow, Daddy, color and everything!"
I think the Cool Tools awards were a great idea and continuing
them in other fields would be wonderful.
**Steve Dorner **of Eudora fame also commented on the home use of
that Mac:
My 7100 has been my main development machine ever since I got it.
I've done all the Eudora 3.0 development on it, as well as 2.x
releases. This week [some weeks ago, at this point -Adam], I'm
going to get a PowerBook 5300 to use for development, and then my
wife will get the 7100, which she'll use for dealing with her
desktop publishing needs. The Quadra 605 she currently shares with
the kids will then be the kids' alone, promoting family harmony.
So there you have it; my livelihood _and_ tranquility for my home,
all in one Power Macintosh 7100.
**John Hardin**, who wrote MacWeb and MacWAIS, wrote:
The Power Mac 7100 Apple awarded me as part of their Cool Tools
awards contributed directly to the development of the Power Mac-
native version of MacWeb. It was literally my second development
machine (in addition to the Quadra 800 I was using at the time). I
now have a Power Mac 9500 at work, so about four months ago I took
the 7100 home, where it enables me to continue development there
occasionally. On the lighter side, it lets me connect to the
Internet so I can surf with MacWeb when I'm not writing it.
The 7100 is now my family machine, so it gets a lot of use along
those lines, as well, with things like educational programs,
games, and home publishing. My children are young and have known
no other type of computer, so I guess it's helping to produce
little Mac zealots. [Perhaps we can get Guy Kawasaki to start a
program to donate Macs directly to children to create lots of
little Apple addicts. -Adam] Who knows, maybe Turtle Logo will
eventually turn into C++ or Java. We might have little Mac
developers in the wings!
As far as the award itself goes, I was flattered, honored, and
encouraged to have been publicly recognized by Apple with this
award. I would _wholeheartedly_ recommend that they continue to
recognize Mac developers in this or similar ways. I'd also like to
thank TidBITS for providing this opportunity to express my
gratitude publicly.
**Peter Lewis**, author of Anarchie, NetPresenz, and many other
programs, answered:
I received my 7100 late in 1994. With it, I had a viable home
office, so shortly after that, very early in 1995 I started
working part time from home. Later in 1995 I finished up at Curtin
University and now work full time at home writing shareware,
mostly Internet applications. Without the 7100 that came with the
Cool Tool Award I would probably have had to delay my plans for at
least several months, so the 7100 had what I think was Apple's
desired effect, namely enabling me to spend more time writing Mac
I would certainly like to see Apple continue with the awards.
However, the tricky part is figuring out who is most in need of
the computer - people who are already visible probably will not
benefit as much. I also think Apple should print some certificates
for the awards (maybe they did and mine didn't make it to
Australia?). As wonderful as the computer is, in a few years it'll
be a door stop (or at least a low-end server), whereas a printed
certificate could be framed and would last forever. I would also
like to see two different sorts of awards, one for individuals and
the other for companies. There's no need to give computers to
companies - they can generally afford them anyway - but it was a
shame that companies like InterCon weren't recognized for their
work in promoting the Internet on the Mac, even if that meant just
getting a nice certificate and no Power Mac.
**Jay Whittle** of the Internet Society wrote:
The Internet Society is not a development shop but gets a great
deal of use out of the Power Macintosh 7100 anyway. Prior to the
award, the Society did not own a single Macintosh. Part of the
Society's mission is to remain familiar with the new and
innovative applications available for use on the Internet. The
7100 has opened the door for the Society to explore those
applications which were developed first or exclusively on the
Macintosh platform.
In addition, its ready-made multimedia capabilities makes this
machine an excellent demonstration platform. Many Internet Society
guests have browsed the Internet using this machine.
**Thomas Redman** of the Software Development Group at NCSA wrote:
The 7100 awarded to NCSA has been very useful in the development
of NCSA Mosaic for the Mac. That particular machine was used by
one of the developers to pursue such flowery technology as the
inter-application API used by Mosaic, enhancements to the
communications facility and direct support for Open Transport and
Internet Config. Coincidentally, the developer who used that
machine was without a reasonable development platform at that
time, so the award was both timely and very appreciated. There is
no metric to measure the usefulness of the machine to the group;
PowerPC machines are leaps and bounds superior to the
Should Apple continue the program? Damn tootin'! Any way to
acknowledge developers of Macintosh software is very important to
Apple's future. Mac users and developers have a special interest
in seeing the platform being successful. That attitude must be
nurtured by Apple, and programs like this one are very useful to
that end.
Thanks, Apple!
**Farhad Anklesaria** of the Gopher Team at the University of
Minnesota commented quickly:
The 7100 that Apple gave us as part of the Cool Tools Award is
being used by a graduate student intern on another cool network
tool project - more info when that gets closer to release!
**Aaron Giles**, author of JPEGView, wrote:
Well, I can pretty much say that my Cool Tools award helped me
land my dream job. Shortly after receiving the 7100, I picked up a
copy of LucasArts' Rebel Assault and was disappointed that it
wasn't PowerPC-native. So, in a furious fit of late-night hacking,
I managed to write a patch which was at least partially native -
enough so the game ran decently on my new machine. Foolishly
releasing the patch to the net, I was on the verge of getting a
cease and desist order before LucasArts decided to hire me. Now my
7100 allows me to work late nights cranking out great games for
the Mac.
I definitely think Apple should consider doing the Cool Tools
thing again. As a struggling shareware developer, having a hot new
system dropped in my lap was both a great way of recognizing the
years I spent working on JPEGView and an invaluable help in
working on PowerPC-native versions of all my shareware. I think
that using the Cool Tools awards to recognize great
shareware/freeware contributions would be a fantastic direction
for Apple to take.
**Chuck Shotton**, author of WebSTAR, said:
Apple's Cool Tool Awards couldn't have happened at a better time,
both for me and for Apple. In my case, I'd been developing MacHTTP
on a Mac IIci. I managed to get MacHTTP 1.3 out the door as one of
the first PowerPC native Mac applications to ship using a loaner
Power Mac 8100 from Apple. (Aaron Giles beat me with JPEGView only
by virtue of his one hour time zone advantage!) Anyway, the 8100
had to go back to the mother ship shortly thereafter, and I was
stuck trying to test and maintain PowerPC code without a Power
Mac. Needless to say, the arrival of the Cool Tool 7100 made life
much easier! MacHTTP 2.0 was birthed on that 7100, as were the
initial versions of WebSTAR.
In Apple's case, the timing was great for them. Under increasingly
harsh criticism from their developers, it was a great gesture on
Apple's part that recognized the hard work from a lot of people
that made the Mac the awesome Internet box that it is. While many
developers bemoaned the state of Apple development, a few
individuals at Apple came up with a great idea to motivate and
reward some of the non-commercial developers that needed a pat on
the back. The only downside to the award was that there was a
limit to the number of Cool Tools that could be awarded, and some
very deserving developers didn't get the kudos they deserved.
Apple should definitely make this an annual event, perhaps
expanding the scope beyond just Internet tools. There are a lot of
unsung heroes developing for the Mac and this is a great way to
tell them Apple appreciates their efforts. As for my 7100, it's
now part of the www.biap.com site and is merrily chugging away,
serving its little heart out to the Internet.
**Jeff Ferguson **of the Weather Underground wrote:
The Weather Underground used the Cool Tools 7100 for the
development of an Internet manager for six months. The 7100
provided us the machine to develop this code.
The 7100 then moved to our TV studio where it was used in
producing a live program in which viewers were taken on a tour of
the Internet. The content was meteorology and the audience was
K-12 teachers and students. The program was hosted by Perry Samson
and Herbie Fox, our puppet friend. An A/V video card was added and
the 7100 was one of three machines in the studio during
productions. It was used to create a virtual set, including
Antarctica, an ocean beach, and a scene in the midst of a
Now the 7100 is being used to ingest hourly weather images and
display them on the university cable system's UM-WeatherTV.
* MacWEEK -- 11-Mar-96, Vol. 10, #10
Suitcase 3.0 -- pg. 23
PowerBuilder for Macintosh -- pg. 23
Macintosh Tax Packages -- pg. 28
Kiplinger TaxCut '95
MacInTax '95
Quicken 6's Online Banking -- pg. 30
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